Facebook Business Page: Essential Reasons to Prioritize It Over Personal Profiles

Are you still managing your real estate services through a personal Facebook profile? If so, you’re potentially missing out on a plethora of benefits that could take your business to the next level. The problem lies in the limitations personal profiles offer, with restrictions on follower count, lack of access to critical advertising tools, and constrained visibility due to Facebook’s algorithms.

This can be frustrating. You’re putting in time and effort, posting fantastic content showcasing your listings and client testimonials, but the impact is stifled. Your reach is curtailed, potential clients may struggle to find you, and opportunities for growth are squandered.

Luckily, there’s a solution waiting for you: a Facebook Business Page. Prioritizing a Business Page over a personal profile can dramatically enhance your online presence, broaden your reach, and unlock powerful tools to catapult your business to new heights. Let’s delve into why making this shift can be a game-changer for real estate agents.

Creating Your Facebook Business Page

Setting up a Facebook Business Page is essential to enhance your online presence and connect with your target audience. In this section, I’ll will walk you through selecting a page category and adding essential information to your Facebook Business Page.

Selecting a Page Category

When creating your new page, Facebook will prompt you to choose a category that best represents your business. The right category helps people find your page more easily and ensures it appears in relevant search results. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Navigate to the Facebook Pages section.
  2. Click “Create new Page.”
  3. Select the most appropriate category for your business from the list provided. Type “Real Estate” to be prompted with the relevant categories.

Take your time in selecting the category, as it plays a vital role in improving your page’s visibility.

Adding Essential Information

Once you have selected a category, it’s time to add all the important information about your business. This is crucial in presenting a professional image, engaging with your audience, and providing valuable information. Here are the key components to include:

Business Name

Name your Page after your business, or another name that people search for to find your business. This should be the public name and title of your Page.


Use the About section to tell people what your business does. Keep the description brief but informative, elaborating on your services, target audience, or mission.

Profile Photo

Choose a profile photo that best represents your business. Many real estate businesses opt for using their logo or a headshot as a profile photo.

Cover Photo

Select a cover photo that highlights the essence of your business. Try to choose an image that is visually appealing and resonates with your brand identity.

Contact Information

Add your business’s contact information such as phone number, email address, and website.

Location and Hours

If your business has a physical location, don’t forget to add your address and hours of operation.

Optimizing Your Facebook Business Page

When creating a Facebook business page, it’s essential to optimize it for better engagement and visibility. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use to get the most out of your page.

Customizing Your Page

First and foremost, make sure your page is tailored to your specific business type. You can do this by clicking on the “More” drop-down menu on your page and then selecting “Edit Tabs.” From there, choose a template that best fits your business, such as Standard or Professional Services. I chose Professional Services.

Ensure that your business information is up-to-date, and don’t forget to fill in important details like your address, phone number, and hours of operation. This will make it easier for potential customers to find and contact you.

Consider adding custom tabs that reflect the unique aspects of your business. You can create custom tabs for events, promotions, or even showcase your latest blog posts to increase engagement on your page.

Adding Profile and Cover Photos

Visuals are key to attracting attention to your Facebook business page. Start by uploading a high-quality profile picture that represents your brand. This could be a professional headshot, a logo, or an image of your storefront. The ideal dimensions for a profile photo are 180×180 pixels, and it will be displayed as a 170×170 pixel image on desktop and 128×128 pixels on smartphones.

Attractive African American headshot dressed in a suit and tie, facing the camera. Square.

Your cover photo should be an eye-catching, high-quality image related to your business or industry. This could be a promotional graphic, a collage of your products, or a striking image of your team. The ideal dimensions for a Facebook cover photo are 820×312 pixels on desktop and 640×360 pixels on mobile devices.

Make sure that both your profile and cover photos are visually cohesive and aligned with your brand identity to give your page a professional look.

Remember, optimizing your Facebook business page takes time and effort, but the payoff is a more engaging, visually appealing, and user-friendly page that can help drive success for your business.

Publishing and Managing Content

Creating an Editorial Calendar

An essential part of managing your Facebook Business Page is to plan and organize your content. Creating an editorial calendar allows you to strategize your posting schedule effectively. Here are some steps to create an editorial calendar:

  1. List your content categories: Identify the types of content you want to share, such as offers, news, tips, and engaging questions.
  2. Choose your posting frequency: Determine how many posts per week or per day you will be sharing, and find a balance between posting too often and not often enough.
  3. Plan your content ahead: Develop your content ahead of time to ensure it’s polished and ready to share when the time comes.
  4. Utilize scheduling tools: Use Facebook’s built-in scheduling tool or third-party platforms to plan your posts in advance.

Engaging with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is crucial to growing your Facebook Business Page. Here are some tips to achieve that:

  • Post diverse and eye-catching content: Mix different formats like images, videos, and articles to maintain your audience’s attention.
  • Respond to comments and messages: Promptly reply to any comments or messages on your Page to show your audience you value their feedback.
  • Analyze your performance: Use Page Insights to understand your audience engagement and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  • Encourage interaction: Ask thought-provoking questions, solicit opinions, and create polls to boost your audience’s participation.

By following these tips, you can efficiently publish and manage content on your Facebook Business Page, creating a valuable online presence for your real estate business.

Facebook Advertising for Your Business

When looking to expand your business’s online presence, utilizing Facebook’s advertising platform can be an effective way to reach your desired audience. In this section, I’ll discuss selecting ad objectives, targeting your audience, and setting budgets and schedules for your campaigns.

Selecting Ad Objectives

Before you create an ad from your Facebook Page, it’s essential to identify the objective of your campaign. Facebook offers various objectives to choose from, such as:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Generating traffic to your website
  • Encouraging engagement with your posts
  • Collecting leads
  • Driving sales or conversions

Select the objective that best aligns with your current business goals, as it will determine the features and options available to optimize your campaign.

Targeting Your Audience

Once you have set your objective, it’s time to target your desired audience. Facebook provides several options for audience targeting, such as:

  • Demographics: Target users based on age, gender, education, job title, relationship status, and more.
  • Interests: Focus on users who have interests related to your product or service, such as hobbies, entertainment, shopping preferences, etc.
  • Behaviors: Target users according to their online and offline activities, like purchasing habits or device usage.

Additionally, consider creating both a narrowly defined audience and a broader one to compare ad results and make informed decisions on future targeting strategies.

Facebook’s Fair Housing Ad Requirements

Facebook has policies to prevent discriminatory practices in housing ads. Advertisers are prohibited from discriminating based on factors such as race, religion, age, gender, disability, or family status. To enforce this, Facebook removed several targeting options that could be used to discriminate unfairly.

Housing advertisers are required to certify compliance with non-discrimination policies. Ads that fail to comply may be rejected or removed. These policies support equal opportunity laws such as the Fair Housing Act in the U.S., ensuring that all users have equal access to housing opportunities.

Setting a Budget and Schedule

Managing your budget is crucial for the success of your Facebook ad campaign. When setting up your campaign, you can choose between a daily or lifetime budget. Here’s a comparison of both options:

Daily BudgetLifetime Budget
Spend is distributed evenly over the campaign durationSpend is optimized throughout the campaign, with potential fluctuations in daily spending
Good for short-term or ongoing campaignsIdeal for campaigns with a specific beginning and end

Moreover, set a schedule for your campaign to run. You can either run it continuously or set a start and end date based on your marketing objectives.

In summary, understanding your ad objectives, targeting the right audience, and managing your budget and schedule are vital elements in launching a successful Facebook advertising campaign.

Someone circling a mega open house date on a calendar

Monitoring and Analyzing Results

Utilizing Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a powerful tool for tracking the performance of your business page. To access Insights, go to your business page and select the Insights tab. You’ll find an overview of your page’s performance, including key metrics like reach, engagement, and audience demographics. Keep track of these metrics to understand how your content is performing and to identify any trends or patterns.

Use the Insights data to:

  • Measure user engagement with your page and posts
  • Monitor page growth and identify new followers
  • Analyze the performance of your published content
  • Understand your audience demographics

Breaking down the data helps you identify what content resonates with your audience, and how to tailor your messaging to better engage your target demographic.

Measuring the Success of Your Ads

To evaluate the performance of your Facebook ads, you need to measure their key metrics, such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Use the Meta Business Suite for a comprehensive view of your ad performance.

Here are some metrics to consider:

  • CTR: Measures how often users click on your ads. A high CTR means your ad is engaging and relevant to your audience.
  • Conversion rate: This metric helps you understand how many users are completing the desired action after clicking on your ad. A high conversion rate indicates that your ads effectively drive users towards your goals.
  • ROAS: Calculate your return on ad spend by dividing your revenue generated from the ad by the cost of running the ad.

Use these and other performance metrics to optimize and refine your ad campaigns, making data-driven decisions to improve their success. Regularly monitoring your ad performance enables better allocation of your ad budget, ultimately driving better results for your business.


Leveraging a Facebook Business Page is key for real estate agents wanting to expand their client base and online presence. Facebook’s vast network can increase your reach and engagement through organic interactions and paid campaigns. Regular updates on your business, prompt responses to client inquiries, and strategic content can boost your brand image.

Utilizing insights from user engagement data can further fine-tune your marketing efforts. Just six steps can get you started on Facebook. Consistent activity and engaging content are pivotal for growth. Harness this platform to propel your real estate business forward.

The post Facebook Business Page: Essential Reasons to Prioritize It Over Personal Profiles appeared first on Kyle Handy.

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